1)保健所から犬をもらう I received another dog from the Public health center 
2)ペットを飼うことの効用 The advantage of keeping pets
3)全国の愛犬家愛猫家が力を合わせれば 動物たちを救済できないでしょうか? Can we save all those animals if the people unite in helping them?
4)驚異的 ドイツの殺処分率 0% The Grate animal's house: Teir Heim in Germany
5)目からうろこが落ちたドイツのティアハイム The Grate animal's house: Teir Heim in Germany
6)もし建設するとしたら If Japan constructs its own Teir Heims,
7)年金対策にもなる!(個人的な考え)Teir Heim aims to help the old-age retired citizen.(My own Idea)
8)熊本市岐阜県のすばらしい取り組み The great measures of treating animals in Kumamoto City and Gifu Prefecture
9)負担を軽くする方法や犬を飼う場合の工夫 The actions that can help ease the burden of the management
10)小学校の教科書に犬や猫の飼い方を A introduction of animal(dogs and cats)welfare curriculum into the elementary education system
11)これだけ反響があるのですから・・・There were so many letters coming from people of all over Japan who really care about the welfare of animals from dying worthlessly.
12)絶対避けなければならないこと We must not be fooled by the swindler by all means.
13)飼い方の工夫 One idea of keeping a dog
14)最後に In conclusion 



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